About Sobriety Clubs
Sobriety Clubs are a great way to empower youth to make healthy choices. These clubs create a peer network in schools that encourages overall wellness, development of coping skills, and leadership in schools and communities. Through club meetings and events, students learn about healthy choices, decision-making skills, stress management, self-care, and empowerment. This allows them to cope with life’s challenges in a positive way while remaining substance-free. Joining a Sobriety Club can motivate students to be true to themselves and support one another.
Why Sobriety Clubs
School aged children under go more stress than ever before. From academic to social pressures from their peers. And these can be serious risk factors into substnace abuse as a coping mechanism. PACTA is working to introduce sobriety clubs in schools and institutions a preventive and protective measures for the school going children against the dangers of alcohol and substance abuse.
Prevention programs have a huge impact on schools and implementing the practice of wellness is starting to show an even greater impact on what we call “the first day” of addiction. Giving young adults the tools they need to build adaptive coping skills, rather than maladaptive coping skills like emotional eating or alcohol or drug use, is critical to the management of stress and misuse of substances.
Therefore, Sobriety Clubs is a school-based, evidence-based prevention and wellness program designed by our team of professionals to empower school counselors and students to live substance-free lives while creating a peer network in schools to encourage wellness, development of coping skills and leadership. Our goal is to give young adults the tools they need to make healthy choices and live happy, fulfilling lives.